Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Welcome Home A Hero - DFW International Airport, TX

Joe and Bert are my Vietnam veteran frieds I met at DFW Airport. The following letters are re-printed withtheir permission.

My name is CPT Ross Hertlein, US Army. I have never really been to Texas or experienced much of the state, however I have to say that I have a strong desire to retire to a state that has the kind of people that support our military in the way you do. My first experience with DFW was R&R from Iraq in 2007 and recently I had my second experience in 2009 from Afghanistan. The greeting I have gotten each time is amazing. Nowhere else in the country has the reaction to my uniform been so warm and grateful. The people of Texas that are in the airport truly make me proud to serve my country and it makes doing my duty easier knowing we have the support of those at home. I never expected that after 8 years of war that the people would still care about the Soldiers coming home and going back to combat. Obviously you have not forgotten what we are doing and going through. It is not just the people in the USO but all the people in the airport. One generous flight attendant at a desk let me use her personal cell phone to call my wife when I asked her to direct me to a pay phone. The handshakes, cheers, and helpful people of all ages really makes me think that Texas is the kind of place I want to raise my family. I know this is a long letter but I just wanted to say thank you with all my heart and tell you not to stop what you are doing.

You are so appreciated. Thank you and God bless you and the people of Texas.


CPT Ross M. Hertlein
Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan

My son flew in to DFW for RR from Iraq a few days ago. He graduated from high school a semester early to join the Army, left home two months after his 18th birthday, and just turned 21 in Iraq on November 9th. He told us how the greeting you and others gave him at the airport meant so much to him. He especially talked about the fire trucks blowing water all around the plane and the rows of people waving flags. I want to thank you and others for your efforts at welcoming our troops home. It means so much to the soldiers AND their families.

Following the tragic shootings at Ft. Hood, it was healing to me to see such support and appreciation.
Thank you,

Alice Bartschi
Salt Lake City, UT

Thank you so much!! These pictures keep him close to my heart it means alot thank you for what you do. =)

Stevie Cannell

I live, walk, and breathe among the bravest of heros. I am an ARMY Wife Hear me Roar..

Thank you so much for sending these photos and information to us!!! We certainly appreciate your time in both taking these wonderful pictures and forwarding them on with all of the extra information (as well as a big Thank YOU for YOUR time as part of our armed forces!) I know that Christopher and Rafe are excited to share their stories and patches at their Tiger Scout meeting tonight! And I am hopeful we can make it to DFW on the 1st for SPC Limperopoulos' return to Iraq.

Thank you and God Bless!

Beth Downs

Thank you so much for sending the pictures so quickly!
I've taken student groups to the airport about once a six weeks for the past 4 years, so I'm sure I'll see you again.
Have a great week, and thanks for all you do.

Kathryn Laster
Lake Highlands High School

Joe, thank you so much for the wonderful pictures. I have sent them to all the people who wanted to be there but could not. They will bring many pleasant memories through the years. My wife couldn't make it but she is happy to have the pictures.


Virgil Dennis


Thanks for sending the photos, they look wonderful.
It is our company's mission to serve the military, active and retired. Our team is always up to the task of taking care of the service members in any way that we can.
Thanks again,

James E. Moore
Senior Vice President

Thank you so much....Yes that is my hero in the picture you sent me. How nice of you to do that for me and for all of the other soldier's loved ones.

SSG James R Gilman U S Army 3rd Stryker brigade BN 296th Ft Lewis,Wa

Have a great Veteran's Day.
Tanya Gilman

Thank you so much. You guys were a blessing to so many and continue to be. It was a privilege to have been able to meet you and sit with you for awhile. I am thoroughly enjoying my family, as you may have guessed, as well as just being back in a greaty country like ours. I do hope to see you all again upon my return to Dallas!

MAJ Chris Bassett

Blessings to you, Donna and Bert, and all you dear folks who stand together in greeting our soldiers. You do a marvelous job and you are to be highly commended for your excellent work. You are the true American heroes!!!

I can only imagine the marvelous sense of joy, dignity, honor and respect you bring to our soldiers as they return home and see you there at the airport waiting for them. This is literally a slice of heaven for them because I believe in heaven that honor-giving is a way of life. And honor-giving is its own best reward as the LORD smiles on the selfless kindness you show to our troops.

All the Best to you,
David Pautsch


My daughter was there today and was sent off with such a feeling of appreciation for the sacrifices she has chosen to make for her country. As a mother, a proud mother, I wanted to thank you and all the volunteers for taking the time out of your lives to make her feel special to each of you as she is to her family. I can't tell you how much my heart hurt today sending her off to harm's way but when she told me about the welcome she got and the send off I thought it required for me to do my part and say THANK YOU for helping MY soldier today.
PFC Zepeda Vanessa

Lori Rabago
San Antonio, Tx - 121009

Hi Joe,

I was wondering if you had any photo's from when our Cub Scout Pack 308 group attended to welcome home our troops on Sunday, November 29th. I think you took a picture of our pack in front of the table which held all the goodie bags the boys put together for the troops. You came up to me after everybody had taken their pictures and introduced yourself and gave me your card asking permission to post their picture on your website (which I verbally agreed to).

I also wanted to mention that I have really enjoyed looking at your pictures of our soldiers and other organizations that have come in the past to support our troops. The letters also warmed my heart as it really puts into perspective how much just this small effort on our part can really mean to them.

This is the second year in a row our pack has come out to support our troops and I can tell you that it's very much going to be an annual event we will feel honored to continue participating in!

God Bless you for your wonderful work!

Lupe Croniser
Pack 308 Event Coordinator - Allen, TX

What a wonderful surprise to open your e-mail and see our son! Thank you so much, I know you will be blessed for your efforts. I can't imagine how you keep up with all of this.

Zach's humvee was hit with a anti-tank grenade on his door on 4/21/07. After 5 hospitals and 6 month recovery, praise the Lord, he was up and running again. This picture is his 2nd tour, what a brave man to go back again, we are so proud of him and I will certainly pass on your appreciation. Zach's life was saved because they had uparmored the doors two months previously, I am so grateful to God for sparing his life. I know that there is more work and a purpose for him on this earth.

Thank you for your purpose! You certainly warmed my heart today.
Jeannie Ferrell

It was quite a shock coming around the corner in DFW to see a few hundred people waiting to greet us - girl scouts, boy scouts, cheerleaders, veterans, blue star mothers, people handing out candy, shaking hands, clapping, it was overwhelming.

I had spent 9 months in country at that point, and this was really my first encounter with the civilized world again. This service is amazing. I was overcome with the generosity, appreciation and support from everyone there. They didn't have to be there, they were there because they wanted to come thank us. It really meant alot to me.

In the excitement, a man handed me a small slip of paper with a website on it and told me the pictures from the event would be later posted online. I lost the little slip. I've had trouble tracking down the pictures. I found a website that had a large collection from 2006, and then this site welcomehomeahero.com. but the newest pictures are from early october.

I appreciate your help and for everything you guys have done in welcoming home soldiers. It really means alot to us. It was unexpected and meant alot.

Thank you,
PFC Hamblin


OH MY! I cannot thank you enough. YES! You captured my boy. I can't believe it. I'm SO glad I emailed you. I LOVE the pics of the plane with the water arch too. My husband is going to be so excited to see these too.

I'm all filled up now. Thanks and have a GREAT weekend!!! Thanks for what you are doing in welcoming our soldiers onto American soil!!!

Karen & Jim Green

Hello MR. Schneider,
Sir, I do want to thank you for the thoughtfulness that you are giving to the returning troops. As an Air Force veteran you understand what deployment means. As you know It means a lot to see all of the welcoming family members and US Citizens and for you to document it, well that is very special. Most of us are so busy trying to locate loved ones and are just overwhelmed in general, that a lot just goes by. Your great photographs will keep the memories alive for ever.
You hit the nail on the head with my photo. Yes, I am Photo 167C Airborne. I see what you mean about the name tags, very difficult! I will be back through DFW in a few months and I will try to thank you in person. I know you must have expenses, so if I can help in any way please let me know and again thank you for what you are doing to preserve a very special moment for us and for our country.


SGT. John Tucker
82 Airborne, Ft Bragg

Mr Schneider sir,

1st of all, thank you so much for your service to your country and the heart that you have for our military! I can tell the passion you have for them is not all that common. (getting better though I might add!)

As you know from my wife and the pictures you took of my son that what you are doing is priceless! I wish I lived somewhat close to DFW so that I could spend some time with you and be among the welcoming committee there. I still have tears and chills just from watching the video and the pictures of our son arriving. One of the things that he said when he arrived and was part of that was that he was so overwhelmed.

Thank you again for what you are doing and I/we will keep you in our prayers and hopefully meet up with you someday and thank you personally.

God Bless You!

Jim Green II (Army MP '78-'81)

Oh my goodness! Thank you! Thank you! We are so thrilled to have these pictures! I would rather have a picture than a hundred dollar bill on a normal day and these are priceless. I can't wait to show all of our family!! Thank you for this treasure. It has been such a blessing to have him home if only for a few short weeks and God has answered our prayers on keeping him safe so far and we trust He will continue to do so.
Thank you so much!

Julie Goodson


My pastor ended his sermons yesterday with the picture of the dad and son hugging.
His message was on how much our Heavenly Father loves us and keeps watching and waiting for us. He shared about the troops at DFW and the great work all the folks do each day welcoming home our heros.

There wasn't a dry eye anywhere in the sanctuary. What a blessing you, Joe, Chuck, Donna, Max and all the rest are to so many people!

See you soon,

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