1. Is
the U.S.A. going in the right
direction? Yes 8 No 37
direction? Yes 8 No 37
2. Do
you think Barack Obama is doing a good
job as President Yes 4 No 42
3. Do
you believe in more or less governmentjob as President Yes 4 No 42
control? More_ 0 Less 46
4. You are 18 years old again/would you volunteer to serve in
a war now? Yes 19 No 26
5. Are you a Conservative or a
Liberal? Con. 43 Lib. 3
6. Are you a Republican or Democrat or “Other”?
Rep. 38 Dem. 4 Other__2
7. Do you approve of water boarding the enemy to get
information? Yes 34 No 11
8. Do you think we should close Guantanamo (Get-Mo)
Prison? Yes 10 No 34
9. Did you vote for Obama or
Romney? Obam 4 Rom 40
10. Do you think Obama is honest and straight-forward
when delivering his political speeches? Yes 5 No 39
11. Is Obama or Congress more at fault for the condition
this country is in? Obama 28 Cong 19
12. Do you believe in free enterprise or
Socialism? Free 46 Soc 0
13. Do you believe openly gay men and women should
serve in the military? Yes 8 No 36
14. Should women serve on the frontline
in combat? Yes 4 No 41
15. Does Obama take too many
vacations? Yes 38 No 8
16. Does Obama spend too much money on
parties/entertainment? Yes 40 No 5
17. Do you think too many people are on
food stamps? Yes 41 No 4
18. Do you believe in same-sex
marriage? Yes 5 No 40
19. Is there too much partisanship in
Washington, D.C.? Yes 35 No 9
20. Is national debt or lack of jobs the government’s biggest
problem? Debt 30 Jobs 16
21. Has racism under Obama become
worse? Yes 36 No 7
22. Which is this country’s biggest problem?
No. Korea 11 Iran 14 Afghanistan 14
23. Should we bomb nuclear bomb factories in Iran and
No. Korea? Yes 25 No 21
24. Should we give more support to
Israel? Yes 36 No 10
25. Do you believe in government loans for college
students? Yes 40 No 6
26. Should students go to jail if they do not re-pay
government loans? Yes 29 No 14
27. Do you think the government should give poor people
fish or teach them to fish (work)? Give 1 Teach 45
28. Do you believe in a one-party or two-party system of
government: One 0 Two 46
29. Do you think the national media is fair and balanced
to both Democrats and Republicans? Yes 2 No 33
Who is the most fair and balanced news person?
Name: Greta (2), Lehrer, Hannity (3), Brower, Brian Williams,
Kranthammer (2), O’Reilly (3)
30. Are there too many unqualified and inexperienced
people in government jobs? Yes 46 No 0
31. Do you think Obama has taken a strong enough stance
against terrorists? Yes 7 No 35
32. The Obama administration is very
“transparent.” Yes 2 No 39
33. People are very careful about what they say because they
fear being called a racist. Yes 33 No 5
34. At the end of Obama’s eight years as President, will
he be a success or a failure? Suc 5 Fail 35
35. Would you have voted for or against the gun law that
Congress voted down on April 17, 2013? (Background checks)
For 14 Agn 22
36. The U.S. government sent a delegation to Hugo Chavez’s
funeral in Venezuela but not to Margaret Thatcher’s funeral in
England. Was this a good decision? Yes 1 No 37
37. Which of these describes your opinion of Obama best?
Like 4 Dislike 7 Loathe 20
38. Who was/is the better U.S. President?
Geo. W. Bush 32 Obama 4
39. Do you believe that the Obama administration has been
honest, fair and open about: (a) the Benghazi terrorist attack?
(Ambassador killed) Yes 1 No 38
(b) the Internal Revenue Service (delaying tax-exempt
status for conservative groups) Yes 2 No 37
(c) News media (tracking AP phone calls)
Yes 2 No 37
40. Obama made a policy that no U.S. serviceman can
speak at any faith-based public event. Is that okay?
Yes 2 No 37
1. Do you still drive a car day and
night? Yes 32 No 14
2. Do you exercise often?
Yes 24 No 22night? Yes 32 No 14
3. Do you still weigh the same as you did when
discharged from military? Yes 16 No 24
4. Do you routinely take prescription drugs most
every day? Yes 34 No 12
(Viagra doesn’t count – that’s voluntary)
To check out the writer (Robby Campbell), go to my
blog or
Franklin Count Courthouse, Mt. Vernon, Texas. My
brothers (Phil, Zack, John Campbell), and I all served
in WW II and our discharge papers are filed there.
For a 20 minute video interview of me, go to and type in
Campbell in the search space. This is sponsored by
Daughters of WW II, president Laura Leppert.
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